Saturday, 4 December 2010

The China study for wheat

Just another great has Denise Minger China study put up that is worth reading is post if you haven't already. Denise was occupied your statistics skills apply to the mountain of the study collected data. She noted in an earlier post that wheat recording with coronary artery disease (CAD), the epitome of modern heart cardiovascular disease was strongly connected. I, and several others required you to work to see your mathmagic when mapping to some other factor may be due. For example, wheat is eaten mostly in the northern regions of China and CHD prices are generally higher in higher wide (vitamin D insufficiency?). This applies in Europe as well, and possibly partially responsible for the purported benefits of the Mediterranean diet. You can mathematically determine whether the association between wheat and CHD is easy due to the fact that wheat further Esser North life.

To make a long story short, nothing could explain Association other than wheat, even latitude. Also found a strong association between wheat intake and body mass index, usually a predictor of fat mass, although we do not, that can say for sure.This finding echoes of an earlier study in China, where wheat rather overweight as rice eaters were Esser (1 2) about head to Denise post for the full story.

The China study has integrated major constraints its basic design due to the fact that it was observational and merged the blood of many individuals.Therefore its findings can never prove nothing, you can't beat only or with hypotheses in line stehen.Die study has some unique advantages, such as a variety of diets and regions and the fact that people had probably eaten a similar diet for a long time. I feel that Denise's efforts really tease out some useful information from the study, which was by other investigators exchange rate stability have.

It has especially on study of the impact on health of wheat in the general population I have so little Ernst indirect evidence available, leave such as observation, the diseases of civilization tend to follow closely the introduction of white flour around the globe.Researchers study celiac disease and other forms of gluten allergy and the efforts of the community Paleolithic diet in the dissemination of such information (such as Loren Cordain and Pedro Bastos), were crucial to understand of the health effects of wheat.Denise analysis is one of the strongest pieces of evidence I so far received habe.Eines day, I will all my burden references Weizen.Es gives quite a few, although none of you smoking gun pay think there are enough indirect evidence that investigators to begin taking the idea seriously, that wheat in the form of industrial flour products, may help chronic disease in more than just a small subset of population.Posted ByStephanat9: 32 PM

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