Monday, 6 December 2010

Can a Statin neutralize the heart cardiovascular risk of unhealthy Hochdosierte choices?

The title of this post is the exact title of a recent editorial in the American Journal of Cardiology (1). Investigators calculated the "risk for cardiovascular disease," combined with the total fat and trans fat content of fast food and compared it with the "risk reduction provided by daily consumption statin". Here is what you found:
Connection with the daily consumption of the most Statin, with the exception of Pravastatin, mitigation is more powerful than risk increase which final can the statin extra fat of day dose caused by associated with a 7 oz Hamburger (quarter Pounder ®) with cheese and a small milk shake therapy the heart cardiovascular risk from harmful diet decisions caused neutralize.

Routine accessibility of Statins in establishments which may be a rational modern means the unhealthy food balance cardiovascular risk. Almost food outlets offer already free condiments supplemented meals. Free statin-containing accompany would heart cardiovascular benefits, to the effects equally available offer salt, sugar and fat condiments.Although not a substitute for systematic lifestyle improvements, including healthy diet, regular exercise, weight loss and smoking cessation, complimentary statin add packages at a low cost, 1 positive choice to a range of negative ones.Wow. later in the editorial tell a friend about "a new and protective package,"Mac Statin,"that could be sprayed on a quarter Pounder or in a milkshake." I do this not!

(Ich_kann_nicht_sicher_sein,_aber_ich_denke,_es_ist_eine_ziemlich_gute_Chance,_die_die_Autoren_waren_wird_in_dieses_Editorial_witzig,_in_diesem_Fall_ich_denke,_A) it's funny, b) most people are not the joke. If you're joking should editors to shine a light on the sad state of mainstream preventive health care.Instead of trying to educate people and change the deadly industrial food system that is a set of health problems at the root, think many people it acceptable, a health risk is partially correct, to be fair by tinkering with the human metabolism with Drogen.Um, most people are not willing to change your diet and lifestyle habits (and perhaps for some it is even too late), so doctors frustrated drugs to the reduce the risk to prescribe. I will accept. But if our company is really required its own health and well-being, we remove the artificial incentives that encourage industrial food and educate children from a young age to how good food.

I think one of the main challenges is that our current system enormously lucrative for powerful interests. Industrial agriculture, the pockets of a few large farmers and managers (while the smaller farmers go broke and get bought out), industrial food processing concentrates one profit under a handful of mega manufacturers, and people who become sick increasingly demanding (and expensive) health care through the resulting food exorbitant amount of money ausgeben.Es is a system that effectively milks US citizen for a huge amount of money, and keeps the economy the roles at the expense of the average person well-being.All these groups have powerful lobbies, the continuity of the current system to gewährleisten.Rechtsstreitigkeiten is not the main reason of our health care in the United States is so expensive.high levels of chronic diseases, expensive new technology, a "kitchen sink" approach to treatment and inefficient companies are the real reasons.

If the editorial seriously, is it so many things wrong with it even where to start I don't know.Here are a few problems:
Take the risk of heart attack, mediated by the consumption of fast food is due to its overall and trans fat, this presumption to support the simplistic ist.Um cite a study: the health professionals follow-up study is performed (2) .this one of the best diet health observational studies, to Datum.Die authors of the editorial no-show carefully to read the study, because it no association between total or intake of saturated fatty acids and heart attack risk, found when adjusted to confounding Variablen.Die you quoted number (relative risk)

View the Original article

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