Tuesday, 30 November 2010

The Twinkie diet for fat loss

The experiment

I have several emails from readers about a current experiment from nutrition Professor Mark Haub get at the Kansas State University (thanks to Josh and others).He was eating a reduced-calorie diet that his calories from junk food came in 2 / 3: Twinkies, hostess and little Debbie cake, Dorito corn chips and sweetened cereals (1) .look this junk food calorie diet (800 calories per day deficit) lost 27 pounds in two months.

Therefore junk food not lead, fat gain, and the only thing belly body determines how much you eat and Bewegung.Recht?


Start we can agree with a few things, which most people. If you eat no food at all, you lose fat mass. If you voluntarily force-feed with a large surplus of food, you will gain fat mass, eligibility of the excess carbohydrates or FAT (2).So calories obviously have something to do with fat mass.

But of course the situation in real life is much more subtle. Because a pound of body fat contains approximately 3500 calories, an excess of 80 calories per day (1 piece of toast) should lead the food to a weight of 8 kg fat per year.If you are distracted and forget your toast food, 8 kg per year, should lose fat Conversely, finally for a slim person dangerous wäre.Das that is why we all record every crumb of the food we eat to determine his exact calorie content and match the recording just with our energy consumption, one to keep stable weight.

Times Oh, don't we moment? Then run as so many people hold a stable weight for years and decades?And how do wild animals maintain a stable body fat percentage (except when preparing for sleep) even in the face of food surpluses?Including nursing lab rats and mice a whole diet fed a stable body fat percentage given literally unlimited food, if in a small cage with nothing to do but eat?

The answer is that the body not stupid.Over hundreds of millions of years, we have developed sophisticated systems, the "energy homeostasis" pflegen.Mit act in other words, to regulate these systems fat mass and keep it within the optimum Bereichs.Die evolutionary pressure operation here are obvious: too little fat mass and an organism are vulnerable to hunger; too much, and an organism are less agile and less efficient when the moving and Reproduktion.Energie homeostasis is such a fundamental part of survival, the simplest organisms rules.

Not only is it clear that we have a system of energy homeostasis, we also know a thing or two about how it works. early studies showed that lesioning a part of the brain called the ventromedial hypothalamus causes massive obesity (3;)(This applies also in humans, if results in an interruption of cancer) .Ermittler discovered several genetic mutations in rats and mice, massive obesity

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